First Silence

Paintings Series | Oil on Canvas

Years: 2007-2013

The "First Silence" series has a soothing effect on us. It feels like a retreat, a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of urban areas. Everything eventually returns to nature - like a pastoral coral reef growing on a battleship, lichen and mosses engulf factory buildings. There's nothing like lying in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by lush green grass, feeling the cool morning breeze, and listening to the sound of silence. Moments like these offer a sense of tranquility that can be hard to find elsewhere. You can replicate this feeling in your own home with paintings that capture the beauty of nature. These paintings don't feature any disturbing images, such as nudes or blood. Instead, they're thought-provoking and exquisite, providing a sense of peace and calm.

As a child, I spent countless hours exploring the great outdoors, admiring the natural beauty that surrounded me, and learning to appreciate and respect it. As I grew older, my curiosity shifted toward the human mind's inner workings and the philosophy governing our existence. However, replicating my reality was not enough for me; I aimed to create something more profound. By blending abstract and surreal components, I developed my own unique style, which I refer to as "visual philosophy." Through my art, I strive to transport viewers on a journey to their subconscious minds, allowing them to explore the non-verbal realms of thought and introspection.


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