New Age

Paintings Series | Oil on Canvas

Years: 2018-2020

New Age is a collection of spiritually-oriented works that invite the viewer on an emotional inner journey. These picturesque compositions are thought-provoking and quietly flow into consciousness, challenging perceptions and stimulating the senses. The presence of water is a common thread that binds all of these paintings together, embodying the eternal flow and symbolizing purification, renewal, and regeneration. New Age is akin to an ancient spiritual or healing ritual. It offers a chance to participate in the process and embrace each step, allowing the carefully crafted images to work their magic and lead you to the point of transformation.

It's worth acknowledging how modern mass culture can sometimes impose its beliefs on us and discourage us from pursuing our own personal goals. Personally, I've never been a part of any organized religion or social movement, and I don't feel a strong connection to any particular tradition or country. As an artist, I believe it's crucial to cultivate your own unique perspective and individuality, particularly if you want to explore aspects of life that resonate with your inner world.


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